Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I'm A Journeyman

I am a journeyman. I don't claim to have amazing insight, or profound wisdom. What I do have is an honest heart and an authentic spirit. I'm finding my core purpose and the road is paved with success, failure, vulnerability, courage, joy, and sorrow. All these things are necessary. Any wisdom I gain, or understanding I come to know, I freely give to you. It is my prayer that some realization I have, or utterance I make can in some way impact you, aid you in your own journey to wholeness.
My journey is one free of pride. My journey serves as a source of my own healing and I can think of no better honor than to help you heal as well. Holding that space with you is the pinnacle of anything I can achieve while alive on earth.
Let us fix our eyes on the present moment. Let us glance ahead at what is to come. Let us look over our shoulder so we can reach back our hand and help those behind us. There is always someone behind you, waiting for your hand. Don't believe the lie that you don't matter. That you are irrelevant. You are valuable to me. You are valuable to others. Believe it. The path to fulfillment must include a heart of servant leadership. 
Struggle, run, win, lose, cry, laugh, heal. Don't give up. The good days will come. So will the bad. Some days will be so gut wrenchingly awful you'll want to quit. I promise they will as they still come to me. In those days, character forms. Foundations are laid through hard labor and teamwork. Lets do the work together. If its not with me, grab those you love. Challenge one another. Challenge me. 
We are in this together and together we will heal.

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